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Prescription for Reform: Why U.S. Drug Prices Are Out of Control
Why are U.S. prescription drug prices so high? Discover how banning ads and negotiating prices could finally bring relief to consumers.
Ariane O'Rourke
Dec 4, 20245 min read

Providing Holistic Healthcare: Why It Is Important and What Has Been Done in the US
Exploring the reforms facing the American healthcare system, as the country and world comes to grips with a crisis of mental health.
Katie Gretter
Nov 30, 20243 min read

Endless Demand for Weight-Loss Drugs - Endless Battle for Patent Protection
In a world where 1 in 8 people are obese, the demand for weight-loss solutions continues to climb.
Yoshino Honma
Nov 2, 20244 min read

In Conversation with Jocelyn McDermid, Former International Commercial Office Legal Lead at Pfizer
A short conversation with Pfizer's former International Commercial Office Legal Lead about starting a career in law.
Julia Marotta
Oct 11, 20242 min read

How should the UK Government deal with the vaping epidemic?
It is becoming increasingly apparent that we need to face up to the fact that vaping is incredibly detrimental to our health. The...
Olivia Martin
Apr 25, 20244 min read

Who Has the Right to Die?
Scotland reopens Pandora’s box in attempting to reassess the right to die
Greta Shope
Apr 6, 20244 min read

The Initiatives Aiming to Expand NHS Mental Health Care Services
Initiatives from funding to legislative reform aim to bridge the gap between need and service delivery for mental health care in the UK.
Joanna Barrow
Mar 10, 20245 min read

What Is Happening to Medical Neutrality?
Medical war crimes, current trends in conflict areas, and the importance of publicising medical war crimes according to international law.
Annie Herington
Mar 2, 20243 min read

California Food Safety Act: The First Bill in the U.S. Banning Chemical Food Additives
Earlier this year, Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel introduced to the California Legislature a bill to prohibit the sale of food or drinks that
Julia Marotta
Nov 25, 20233 min read

Are Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) laws being taken too far?
Canada’s consideration to expand access to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) to patients suffering from a mental illness has sparked debate
Ana Ross
Oct 21, 20233 min read

Tread Carefully on British Abortion “Reform”: The Carla Foster Case
The conviction of Carla Foster for late-term abortion has sparked widespread protest, but do calls for reform pose more harm than good?
Sebastien Richardson
Sep 14, 20235 min read

The Implications of Japan's Radioactive Water Disposal
Japan's recent plan to release wastewater from Fukushima has raised questions about environmental repercussions and international diplomacy.
Gokul Ramapriyan
Sep 8, 20233 min read

Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing in Europe and Beyond
A summary of current DCT testing legislation and improvements for the future.
Anabelle Nolan
Apr 7, 20233 min read

Johnson and Johnson Sued for Toxic Materials
Johnson and Johnson (J&J) is a multinational corporation that manufactures everything from Tylenol to body lotion. Johnson and Johnson...
Aarya Zimmerman
Mar 27, 20233 min read

Period Problems: Is the UK Doing Enough to Combat Period Poverty and Provide Menstrual Leave?
Is existing legislation sufficient to combat increasing period poverty in the UK and should there be medical leave for severe period pain?
Helen Garnett
Jul 15, 20224 min read

Continuation of Pre-Flight Testing in the United States
The US continues to be plagued by inconsistencies in Covid testing for flights, to the detriment of various stakeholders
Michael Tozzi
Jun 10, 20224 min read

Women’s History Month: A Brief History of Female Healthcare in the UK
In light of Women’s History Month, this article explores the history and evolution of women’s reproductive rights across the UK from the 196
Frances Brown
Mar 13, 20222 min read

UK to Ban Hymenoplasty and Virginity-Testing
Hymenoplasty and virginity-testing procedures are to be banned across the UK as they are considered forms of gender-based violence
Helen Garnett
Mar 4, 20224 min read

Legal Restrictions on the Use of Reproductive Technologies: An Examination of IVF Laws in the UK
This article explores the history of regulations governing IVF and related technology and research in the United Kingdom
Laura Lu
Jan 30, 20224 min read

Can the UK Avoid Another Christmas Lockdown?
In light of the UK’s last-minute lockdown last winter, this article considers and questions the UK’s approach to COVID-19 as we move into th
Morven Stanforth
Nov 12, 20214 min read
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