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The Laws of War: Have War Crimes been Committed in Ukraine?
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is being labelled as a war crime. But what is a “war crime”? And can they be proven?
Chloe Squires
Mar 8, 20225 min read

"Social Bandits": Criminals or Heroes?
This article explores the fine line between criminality and acts of heroism when people resort to extralegal means to resolve their issues.
Siobhan Ali
Mar 1, 20226 min read

Is the Law a "Colonial Fraud"?
This brief overview of the relationship between law and colonialism suggests that legal systems continue to support the colonial project.
Siobhan Ali
Feb 25, 20225 min read

Effective or Draconian? An Analysis of the UK's Anti-Human Trafficking Policies
This article analyses the way in which UK laws about criminal complicity have clashed with those of the ECHR
Helen Lipsky
Jan 25, 20223 min read

The Letter of the Law is Not Always Just: The Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse
This article explores Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal and the nuances of self-defense law in Wisconsin as well as their social implications
Aiden L Campbell
Dec 10, 20218 min read

80,000 Children in Care: Are the Authorities Doing Enough to Support Them?
In light of National Adoption month, this article examines whether the UK is doing enough for the 80,000 looked-after children in the care s
Frances Brown
Nov 14, 20214 min read

LGBT Laws Around the World
An examination of LGBT- rights legislation worldwide
Mary-Edens McAbee
Oct 17, 20213 min read

The Legality of Mandatory Masks and Vaccinations
A reflection on human rights disputes related to the COVID-19 pandemic and analysis of relevant legal conventions
Britt Gronemeyer
Oct 10, 20213 min read

Defining Morality: Human Rights and Natural Law
An overview of the history, theories and need for moral theory to define human rights law
Blake Boehne
Oct 5, 20214 min read

The Future of Free Religion: Muslim Women in the Workplace
Rights of Muslim women has been attacked by a CJEU ruling allowing employers to ban employees from wearing religious clothing
Britt Gronemeyer
Aug 19, 20213 min read

A New Direction For Punishment in the UK
A proposed approach towards punishment in the UK highlights our methods and justifications of punishing those who have committed a crime.
Ben Oswald
Aug 3, 20214 min read

The Mendez Principles: Challenging Torture in Interrogations
New guidelines on human rights in interrogations exemplify international standard setting and challenge to the torture efficacy debate
Stephanie Miller
Jul 25, 20215 min read

The UK's "Free Speech and Academic Freedom Champion"
This article analyses the UK's recent proposal to reinforce its commitment to freedom of expression in higher education.
Anastasia Mikheeva
Jul 16, 20213 min read

Crimes Against Freedom: Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
This article discusses the usage of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) and the harms done by this legal practice.
Akshika Kandage
Jul 14, 20216 min read

Whales, Drugs, and Sovereign Nations: The Fight to Keep Traditions Alive
This piece explores attempts by the US to ban tribal traditions, revealing the thin line between tradition and law.
Anne Lipsett
Jun 14, 20215 min read

The Necessity of Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is necessary for important political discourse and its limitation leads to the vilification of political opponents
Martin Duffy
Jun 13, 20217 min read

The UK’s Forced Hotel Quarantine System: Does it Breach Human Rights?
An analysis of the flaws in the UK’s hotel quarantine system to assess its potential for violating human rights laws
Rebecca Tennant
Jun 7, 20218 min read

Trials by Media: The Ethics and Efficacy of Cancel Culture
A discussion of cancel culture and its qualifications for policing the media.
Portia Inzone
Jun 6, 20213 min read

Attack of the Drones: Legal and Ethical Dilemmas of US Bombing
Ethical and legal dilemmas of American use of drones in armed conflict question if targeted killings can ever be justified
William Thompson
May 9, 20216 min read

China, Russia, and the United Nations Human Rights Council
This article discusses the presence of human rights violators on the UNHCR and the threat they pose to its credibility
Kerry Grumka
May 7, 20213 min read
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