This year, the St Andrews Law Review is proud to announce that we will be partnering with the Commercial Law Academy to support aspiring commercial lawyers! From commercial awareness newsletters and handbooks to LinkedIn networking groups, they have everything you need to launch your commercial law journey.
What is Commercial Law Academy?

The sister company of City Career Series, the brand new Commercial Law Academy was launched as a comprehensive e-learning platform for aspiring commercial lawyers. It is complete with hundreds of videos, articles, practical tips, interactive quizzes, flow charts, insider insights, downloadable e-guides and exclusive guidance from industry experts and qualified leaders.
Created and curated by ex-Magic Circle lawyers and best-selling commercial awareness author Jake Schogger, Commercial Law Academy’s content is based on his experiences as a practicing lawyer as well as his role coaching, mentoring and training thousands of aspiring lawyers.
The Commercial Law Academy covers the following range of topics:
boosting your CV
writing successful applications
tackling psychometric tests
networking and LinkedIn
preparing for assessment centres
practical commercial awareness
real interview case studies
discussing current affairs
understanding training contracts
developing a growth mindset
setting up and growing a business
employability Q&As
They also offer exclusive access to webinar recordings from a bank of bootcamps and masterclasses hosted by City Career Series on the topics mentioned above.
What exclusive benefits can the Law Review’s Followers Enjoy?
Law Review followers can enjoy an exclusive 10% discount on Commercial Law Academy’s subscription and handbooks using the code “STANDREWSLAWREVIEW22”.
We will also be running raffles on the Law Review’s Instagram to offer 10 lucky followers the chance to win either a free 1-month subscription or a copy of one of their invaluable handbooks.
Commercial Law Academy hosts a number of free webinars which we will keep you updated on through our Instagram.
Finally, be sure to check out City Career Series who we will also be working with this year. If you are exploring City careers more broadly – whether banking, finance or law, this platform offers a valuable foundation to understanding the commercial world.
How do I connect with the Commercial Law Academy?
Be sure to check out Commercial Law Academy’s LinkedIn page for complete access to their resources and to be notified of their new offerings. They also offer an exclusive LinkedIn network where you can connect with other aspiring lawyers and get application advice and tips.